Why is Vpn Used for Cryptocurrency Transactions?

Peter Oflina
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Why is Vpn Used for Cryptocurrency Transactions?

One of the points that many crypto money investors are curious about is the use of VPN. In particular, users on Twitter and Reddit recommend VPN Use for Cryptocurrency Investments.

The crypto money market, which has a history of about 11 years, has gained worldwide fame and transaction volumes have increased considerably, especially in recent years. As with all financial instruments, large movements of money attract the attention of hackers and cybercriminals who want to exploit vulnerabilities. The next generation of bank robbers don’t need guns and masks to steal your money: all it takes is a computer and a victim who doesn’t take their online security seriously.

How can a VPN protect your cryptocurrency wallet and you?

VPN is first and foremost a privacy tool. If you connect to a VPN server before you start surfing the web, all your online activity will be hidden. Hackers, prying eyes, and even your own internet service provider can’t see what you’re doing. VPN services have many additional features that will benefit all crypto traders as well as providing online privacy.

- Obfuscated IP address: If you connect to a US server from the UK, anyone trying to spy will think your physical location is the US. This way you can prevent someone from linking your personal address to your crypto wallet address.

- No logs: Use a VPN service that publicly advertises a no-logs policy. This way, your data and search history remains yours alone. ‘Free’ VPN services often make money by selling your traffic history and data logs to third parties.

- No malicious ads: A quality VPN service actively blocks pop-ups and malicious ads. These are the kind of ads that can infect your device or computer with malware with one wrong click.

- Website blacklist: NordVPN maintains a regularly updated website blacklist. In this way, it will prevent you from accidentally visiting a website that is known to contain a virus.

Do I Need a VPN?

VPNs are tools designed to secure your browsing and protect you online. VPNs are designed to protect your data. VPN services secure your network by encrypting your internet traffic and redirecting it through secure VPN servers. With our data privacy and “right to be forgotten” under constant attack in today’s world, it may be time to start using one of the VPN services.

How Does a VPN Work?

VPNs use encryption to protect your online activity against third parties and cybercriminals. It renders your online data meaningless and thus undecipherable by other people. Your online data includes things like your searches, downloads, and cryptocurrency wallet information, and the sites you visit are all private. Encryption prevents attackers from seeing or interfering with what you are doing, making it extremely difficult for them to steal your valuable information or spy on you.

Why Should I Use a VPN?

A VPN can help protect your data from theft, secure public Wi-Fi networks, and access sites blocked in your country, in short, the entire internet network.

Did you know that while ISPs and governments are known to monitor your online activity for monetary or political gain, hackers are waiting at public Wi-Fi hotspots to steal your financial information or passwords? VPNs can be described as an essential internet security tool and are tasked with keeping your data safe from hackers and snoopers.

VPNs can protect you from thefts that are nearly impossible to track

Today, more than half of your most valuable assets are digital. With today’s technology, thieves have turned into cybercriminals and for these people, your identity information and financial transaction details are the most valuable products.

No one is protected against theft of their data. Passport information, email addresses, bank account information and social security numbers are offered for sale on the dark web in small quantities every day. This is where VPNs come in and focus on protecting connections. This is why attackers trying to steal information during transmission have a hard time bypassing VPN services.

Access any crypto exchange with VPNs

With a VPN, you can easily and securely access geo-restricted crypto exchanges. This way, you can access cryptocurrency exchanges wherever you are. What’s more, you can trade cryptocurrencies with full protection with next-generation encryption, thanks to a reliable VPN.

Why Do They Recommend VPN On Reddit?

Yes, we have provided enlightening explanations above about why many Reddit users recommend VPN.

However, it is useful to mention a few more details about why users in Reddit recommend Vpn.

- VPN encrypts the data you send over the network, making it difficult to intercept.

- VPN adds another layer of security against malware, viruses and phishing attacks.

- It hides your IP address to prevent IP tracking by hackers, government officials, and forensic analysis firms, so you can buy and sell crypto completely anonymously (if you avoid KYC/AML exchanges).

- A privacy-focused VPN doesn’t store your logs and has a kill switch to help you maintain your anonymity. Don’t be fooled by free VPNs for your crypto activities as these service providers tend to finance themselves by selling your private data. If you are serious about your privacy and security, go for a paid VPN as they are more reliable and secure.

I’ve been trading crypto for about a month now and learning valuable lessons every day. Many people wondered about this today, after many users on reddit started a discussion among friends about VPNs and whether to use them.



Peter Oflina

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