Why Marvel Endgame Final Battle Wasn’t Satisfying or What Fans Found Ridiculous

Peter Oflina
4 min read5 days ago


Why Marvel Endgame Final Battle Wasn't Satisfying or What Fans Found Ridiculous

When “Avengers: Endgame” hit theaters in 2019, it was set to be the ultimate showdown that fans had been eagerly anticipating for over a decade. The final battle, dubbed “The Battle of Earth,” had all the makings of an epic conclusion: every major hero coming together to face off against Thanos and his army in a high-stakes brawl. But despite the scale and grandeur, some fans left the theater feeling unsatisfied or even puzzled by certain moments in the climactic scene.

In this article, we’ll explore why some found the final battle of Endgame underwhelming, and we’ll dive into what fans thought was downright ridiculous.

Were you disappointed by the final battle in Avengers?

As Avengers: Endgame approached its final act, expectations were sky-high. After all, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) had spent over a decade building up to this moment, teasing an all-out war that would dwarf anything seen before in the superhero genre. The Battle of Earth was meant to be a culmination of everything from “The Avengers” to “Infinity War.”

But did it live up to the hype? For some, it didn’t quite hit the mark.

Why Marvel Endgame Final Battle Wasn’t Satisfying or What Fans Found Ridiculous (1)
What Fans Found Ridiculous in the Final Battle

One of the most talked-about moments that left fans scratching their heads was the “A-Force” scene, where all the female Avengers suddenly team up. While the idea behind this scene was to show unity and strength, the execution felt forced and unnatural to many. As one fan remarked, “It felt like fan service for the sake of it, rather than an organic moment of girl power.”

Another point of contention was the abrupt reappearance of characters who had been absent for much of the MCU’s timeline, such as Howard the Duck. His cameo was so brief that many viewers missed it entirely, and for those who did catch it, it felt unnecessary. “Howard the Duck fighting in the final battle? Really? It felt more like an Easter egg than something important to the storyline,” shared another fan on Reddit.

Was the Final Battle Too Convenient?

One of the biggest criticisms aimed at the Endgame final battle was how convenient many of the resolutions felt. For example, the return of the dusted heroes right when all hope seemed lost. While it was a triumphant moment, some argued it lacked tension. “It felt like the writers needed a quick solution to bring everyone back, and boom — here’s Doctor Strange with the cavalry,” one viewer said.

Additionally, the way Captain Marvel’s arrival was handled also received backlash. Though she is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, her sudden appearance towards the end of the battle felt more like a deus ex machina than a well-integrated part of the story. As another fan commented, “Captain Marvel showing up at the last minute felt like they just needed her to clean up the mess and call it a day.”

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Iron Man’s Sacrifice: Was It Enough?

Perhaps the most emotional moment in Endgame was Tony Stark’s sacrifice. But even this scene, which brought tears to many eyes, wasn’t free from criticism. Some fans felt that Iron Man’s final moment, wielding the Infinity Stones, was underplayed. “It all happened so fast,” said a fan on Quora. “We barely had time to process what was going on before it was over.”

In contrast, others appreciated the speed and impact of the scene. “It was perfect. It didn’t need to be drawn out. Tony said his iconic line, ‘I am Iron Man,’ snapped his fingers, and that was it. Pure genius,” another fan countered.

What Could Have Been Better?

For many, the final battle of Endgame fell short of its potential. The overwhelming CGI, the convoluted time-travel plot, and the need to give every character a moment in the spotlight left the battle feeling cluttered and less emotionally engaging. “The Battle of Wakanda in Infinity War felt much more focused and intense. In Endgame, it was almost too much happening at once,” a fan posted on a popular Marvel blog.

The idea of bringing back every character from across the MCU to fight in one massive battle sounded incredible in theory, but in practice, it meant that some fan-favorite characters were reduced to brief appearances with little consequence. For instance, Bucky Barnes and Groot had very little screen time despite their importance in previous films.

A Mixed Reception

In the end, the final battle in Avengers: Endgame was a visual spectacle that delivered on many levels. But for some fans, it wasn’t the satisfying conclusion they had hoped for. Whether it was the awkward pacing, the seemingly forced moments of fan service, or the overly convenient plot devices, the final showdown didn’t quite hit the emotional highs that previous MCU films had achieved.

Nevertheless, the Endgame battle remains a milestone in superhero cinema — flawed yet unforgettable. And despite its criticisms, it solidified its place as a cultural moment that united millions of fans worldwide.

For more detailed breakdowns of Avengers: Endgame, you can check out Marvel’s official page on the Battle of Earth and a fan analysis on Reddit.



Peter Oflina

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